The 19th Hole Golf League

Member - No
Outings - 2
Handicap - 21.1
Last 10 Avg - 95.5
Avg Score - 95.5
Low Score - 94
High Score - 97

Net Wins (0)

Carl Taylor

YearOutings HandicapAvg LowHigh
 20201 23.81 94 9494
 20181 21.14 97 9797

Round By Round

GS - Gross Score, AS - Adjusted Score, NS - Net Score
DateCourse RatingSlope GSAS NSFinish
  2020-09-27Westminster    68.1   118    94    94    71    3 of 9
  2018-05-05Gettysburg    70.5   136    97    97    97    8 of 7

Contest Wins (0)